
All time tex.stackexchange favorites

Here are my all time TeX.SE favorites. TeX.SE became a very reliable and valuable source for TeX related questions. Beside the new approach to a internet driven Q&A site which seems to be very efficient — maybe due to the … Weiterlesen

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LaTeX workflow part 1

Quite a time ago i was asked,  what my workflow looks like, when writing a LaTeX document. Well, this is a very personal thing, which depends on may parameters. Of course the kind of your work is essential for the … Weiterlesen

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Gnuplot vs. TeX

Gnuplot and TeX: working together for perfect results Weiterlesen

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Liposomes and Vesicles

Some figures drawn in in tikz. First a Solidlipid Nanoparticle

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XymTeX Stuff

Well some time has gone by, since the last time i worked with XymTeX. Since XymTeX is extremly complicated i think about never touching that system again. Thats not a good reason for not bringing my compounds to public. And … Weiterlesen

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