Liposomes and Vesicles

Some figures drawn in in tikz. First a Solidlipid Nanoparticle


… som basic principles:

% path Decoration by Henrik Skov Midtiby, altered, see
 This is needed for the two Vesicles w surfactants
\usetikzlibrary{arrows,positioning, trees, decorations,patterns, decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing,shapes.misc}
  % Place as many segments as possible along the path to decorate
  % the minimum distance between two segments is set to 7 pt.
    % Draw the two acyl chains
    % Draw the head group
  % Place as many segments as possible along the path to decorate
  % the minimum distance between two segments is set to 7 pt.
    % Draw the two acyl chains
    % Draw the head group
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,every node/.style={font=\small, text centered}]
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet2}] (0, 0.5) circle (1.2cm);
\shade[shade,ball color=yellow] (0, 0.5) circle (2cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet2, mirror},fill=red] (0, 0.5) circle (2cm);
%\draw (5, -3.5) node[text width=4 cm] {Solid Lipid Nanoparticle};
\draw (0,0.5) node {hydrophobes Inneres};
% Liposomes
% unilammelar (A) and multilamllar Liposome (B)
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={font=\small, text width=2 cm, text centered}]
\shade[shade,ball color=blue!20] (5, 0.5) circle (1.2cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet2},fill=red] (5, 0.5) circle (1.2cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet2, mirror},fill=red] (5, 0.5) circle (2cm);
\draw (5,0.5) node {hydrophiles Inneres};
\draw (5,5) node[font=\bfseries] {A};
\draw (11,5) node[font=\bfseries] {B};
\shade[shade,ball color=blue!20] (11, 0.5) circle (1.2cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet2},fill=red] (11, 0.5) circle (1.2cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet2, mirror},fill=red] (11, 0.5) circle (2cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet2},fill=red] (11, 0.5) circle (2.4cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet2, mirror},fill=red] (11, 0.5) circle (3.2cm);
\draw (11,0.5) node {hydrophiles Inneres};
	% general behaviour and mechanisms of small vesicles 
pin distance=5mm,
every pin edge/.style={very thick,-),red},
initial/.style={circle,inner sep=0.25cm, thick,pin=left: ,pin=right: ,pin=above: , pin=below: ,pin= above right:, pin=above left: , pin=below right: ,pin=below left:, shade,ball color=white,outer sep=0mm },
every node/.style={font=\sffamily\bfseries,black, outer sep=2mm}
\node at (5,2.5)[initial](come) {Substanz};
\node at (1,2) [initial](par) { Substanz};
\draw[->,thick] (come.145) to [bend right=45] (par.20) node[ right ]{aproach} ;
\draw [densely dotted,thick,->, ] (par.340) to [bend left=35] (3,0.1) node[above right,draw=black, solid,thin] {Release};
\draw [ very thick,-(,red] (1,0) to  (1,0.4) node[above left,draw=black,thin]{Docking} node[right]{Rezeptor} ;
\draw[decorate,decoration={coil,segment length=2pt}, thick,color=black!50] (-1,0) -- (5,0) node[below]{Target};
\node (ligand) [left = of par] {Ligand};
\draw[dotted,thick,->] (ligand) to (par.225);
\draw[dotted,thick,->] (ligand) to (par.135);
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